
Welcome to the Judaism Wikia!

Happy Hanukkah!

Judaism is the religion of the Jews. It is monotheistic and had developed a culture around religious texts (including Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim, Talmud, Midrash) and traditions about how G-d expects us to behave, including a separation of the holy and the ordinary.

According to Wikipedia, Judaism is the world's eleventh largest organized religion with about 14 million adherents (as of 2006).


This site is for sharing information about Jewish history, customs, culture and traditions. We are sharing our different ways of practicing Judaism and exploring the different cultural developments. Please feel free to contribute your favorite holiday traditions or family celebrations.

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We have over 339 articles. Some examples are
Tikkun Olam, The Joys of Yiddish, movies, Dreidel, Moses, Hebrew, Famous Jews, Passover recipes, Hatikvah, Ten Plagues, Menorah

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Some ways you can participate:

Engraven wine red

Hebrew version of Judaism-wiki - ויקי יהדות בעברית
